
Re: ipchains filter rules for the SuSE FTP Proxy,

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: ipchains filter rules for the SuSE FTP Proxy,
From: Yusseri Yusoff <ymy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 21:43:28 +0800 (MYT)
On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Alois Treindl wrote:

> I know I could try to find out by trial and error, but my LVS is now
> an active production machine at a remote location (colocated in a
> cybercenter) and I am somewhat reluctant to play with ipchains for
> experiments, if it can be avoided. The danger is that I lock myself
> out (because I connect from outside to the director) or that I inhibit
> normal LVS usage if I make errors with new ipchains scripts.


Do what I do, write a simple script as so:



~/test/ipchains-script-test start
sleep 30
~/test/ipchains-script-original start


where the test script is what you're trying out. And the original script
would restore you to your original setting. The sleep command gives you 30
seconds to test things out and if you bugger things up, you'll just have
to wait 30 seconds before trying again.



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