

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: RSH / RSHD
From: jsc3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (John Cronin)
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 09:56:28 -0400 (EDT)
Mike said:
> RSH / RSHD, by default are both streamed based client / servers, =
> therefore they depend on a wrapper layer such as INETD or XINETD in =
> order to handle the Network communication, does anyone know of a =
> Standalone port of the RSH package, or an alternative that functions =
> equally as well.=20

I am stuck in front of a Windows box right now, logged into a Linux
system which I don't have root on, so I can't test this out.

I have been using Unix, mostly Solaris, for a long time, more than
10 years.  To my understanding, anything that is launched from inetd
can also be run as a standalone daemon.  I suggest commenting out
the rshd entry in /etc/inetd.conf, sending a HUP (kill -1) to inetd,
and then just run rshd (you may have to background it, or it may
background itself).  It should just run.  You could add it to rc.local
or whatever.  I see nothing in the man page for rshd that indicates
it HAS to be used with inetd, or even any mention of inetd, at least
on the Redhat 6.2 system I used to check out the man page.

> I would prefer to avoid using SSH.

Why?  It works well for me, and provides far more functionality.
Even some embedded systems are using ssh despite the increase in
code size and CPU overhead (for encryption/compression) over rsh.

What is it you are trying to do?
John Cronin
mailto: `echo NjsOc3@xxxxxxxxxxx | sed 's/[NOSPAM]//g'`

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