
Re: [SSI] Re: keepalive with Cluster infrastructure health check.

To: Bruce Walker <bruce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [SSI] Re: keepalive with Cluster infrastructure health check.
Cc: aneesh.kumar@xxxxxxxxxxx, ci-linux-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (ci-linux-devel), keepalived-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ssic-linux-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (ssic-linux-devel), lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Alexandre Cassen <Alexandre.Cassen@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 00:28:59 +0200

 I think there may be some confusion.  Hopefully I can
clarify.  There was a technology on Unixware called
NonStop Clusters for Unixware (NSC for short) that was SSI.
The networking piece of NSC had two parts - a CVIP (Cluster
Virtual IP) capability and multi-homed host across the cluster
capability.  The CVIP capability was quite similar to LVS.  I
won't go into all the detail of what the multi-homed capability
was, although I would be happy to another time.

As we are moving various NSC functionality to Linux, we decided to
leverage the LVS activity rather than porting the CVIP
capability we had.  The intent is not to have LVS and
CVIP but just LVS+.

aah....!!!! OK, limpid ! this is what was suspecting. LVS+ you mean LVS for CI/SSI (just kidding)

The goal of integrating CI/SSI with LVS was to enhance the CI/SSI
environment, not necessarily enhance all LVS environments.  As you
point out, the plan is that the director(s) would be inside the CI/SSI
cluster and would load level connections only to nodes also in the
cluster.  Integration involves reconciling the nodenum with IP
addresses and leveraging the nodedown capability of CI/SSI when
servers go down and facilitating a failover of the director
when that node goes down.

OK. here the VRRP and (keepalived) healthcheck derivation to CI/SSI code with the patch from Aneesh. Derivating Healthceck to the inside CI/SSI check framework will limit keepalived CI/SSI integration to the internal CI/SSI available checkers ? This can be a starting point, I agree.

There is also interest in extending LVS in this environment in a couple of
ways.  First, we may be able to automatically detect when processes bind()
to a registered VIP port, and thus avoid having to declare where the
servers for a port are.  More significantly, however, we are considering
allowing the VIP to be used for outgoing connections.

Ok, I see. Interresting point...

Below I tried to clear up some of the possible confusion.

Ok, thanks for your clarifications, I am sync with your CI/SSI conceptual design, I was confusing with the CVIP since I have red some infos on this in pdf on the site.

Best regards and thanks for your time,

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