
Re: [PATCH] additional proc entries for synchronisation

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [PATCH] additional proc entries for synchronisation
Cc: Wensong Zhang <wensong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 11:51:19 +0100

I would like to resumbit this patch, which I have now updated for ipvs
1.0.7.  The patch adds two new proc entries that effect the operation of
the synchronisation daemon.


This is a companion to the existing /proc/sys/net/vs/sync_threshold proc
entry.  It sets how often a packet will be synchronised. The default is
50, which was the hard-coded value for this.


This sets the maximum size of messages sent by the synchronisation
daemon in bytes. The intention is to be able to fine tune this for
networks whose MTU may be other than 1500 bytes. One example that
springs to mind would be a (Gigabit) network that uses jumbo frames of
6000 bytes. The default is 1228 which is the old hard-coded value, plus

Or even 9000 bytes, no?

a little extra space to allow 50 simple connections to be transmitted by
having an extra 24 bytes to allow for the case where the last connection
is a full connection.

I like the patch just like last time, some minor issues though.

   Updates the ipvsadm(8) man pages to document the functionality of
   these proc entries, as well as the existing
   /proc/sys/net/vs/sync_threshold proc entry that was previously

At least this should go in.

   Fixes various spelling and gramatical errors in the ipvsadm(8)
I'm not so sure if I should trust you :):) ... see below for more!

@@ -218,6 +218,131 @@
+ *     IPVS connection entry hash table
+ */
+#define VS_STATE_INPUT         0
+#define VS_STATE_OUTPUT                4
+#define VS_STATE_INPUT_ONLY    8

What for? And why 0, 4, 8?

+#define IP_VS_SYNC_CONN_TIMEOUT (3*60*HZ)
+#define IP_VS_SYNC_SIMPLE_CONN_SIZE  (sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_conn))
+(sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_conn) + sizeof(struct ip_vs_sync_conn_options))

+       ((sysctl_ip_vs_sync_frequency < 1) ? 1 : sysctl_ip_vs_sync_frequency)
+       ((sysctl_ip_vs_sync_threshold < 0) ? 0 : \
+        (sysctl_ip_vs_sync_threshold >= IP_VS_SYNC_FREQUENCY) ? \
+ IP_VS_SYNC_FREQUENCY - 1 : sysctl_ip_vs_sync_threshold) +

Looks fine as for a policy.

 #define IP_VS_SYNC_PORT  8848          /* multicast port */

I wonder if this should also be made selectable?

+running on the backup load balancers receives multicast message and
+creates corresponding connections. Then, if the primary load
+balancer fails and backup load balancer takes oever, it has the state

+balancer fails and the backup load balancer takes over, it has the state

+There are 3 proc enties that effect the behaviour of the


+/proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/sync_msg_max_size sets the maximum size of messages
+sent by the synchronisation daemon in bytes. The default is 1228 and the
+useful range is 52 through to 6172.

Why not 52 up to 9k?

+/proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/sync_frequency sets syncrhonisation frequency \-


+the how often a connection is
+synchronised in terms of the number of packets received.  The default is 50
+and the useful range is 1 through to 2147483648.

What do you mean with useful when you select sync_frequency=2147483648?

+/proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/sync_threshold sets the synchronisation threshold \-
+the minmum number of packets a connection needs to receive before it will

Maybe you even want to add a 'to' in front of 'the minimum'.

+be synchronised.  The default is 3 and the useful range is from 0 up to the
+synchronisation frequency. Once this threshold is passed the connection
+will be syncronised each time the number of packets, modulus the


+syncronisation will occur on once the 3rd packet is recieved, and every

Holy cow Horms, where you stoned or did I miss recent advances in English? :) :)

Best regards mate,
Roberto Nibali, ratz
echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq' | dc

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