
LVS rr and http keepalive

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: LVS rr and http keepalive
From: François Chenais <francois@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2004 18:09:50 +0100

To make a demonstration/test exemple of lvs rr for http, I wrote a html
static page containing a table with many images pointing on lvs.png.

On the first RS, this image is red and on the second, the image is red.
In fact, I would like to have a patchwork of colors but it doesn't work
because of keep alive or cache. I've  set the KeepAlive option Off in
the apache config file but nothing change.

Is someone has already make this working ?

        Thanks by advance ?


Debian SID
Linux tanna 2.6.3 #1 Tue Feb 24 03:06:51 CET 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
Linux Counter #59413
PGP fingerprint : 9AFA 15EC 96C9 F607 EBC1  DD41 70C5 F0E0 25A5 105B

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