
Re: ssh service using lvs-dr

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, mack.joseph@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: ssh service using lvs-dr
From: Karen Shepelak <shepelak@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 09:29:41 -0600
Hi Joe,

    I am not sure I understand what you mean by "LVS them" ?? Do
you mean create a VIP for them?

Joseph Mack wrote:

you're going to have to find the ports involved with Kerberos and LVS them


Karen Shepelak wrote:
    I have met with success at getting ssh connections to work to LVS
by running a separate sshd for the VIP on each realserver. I don't know
if this is a normal part of the setup for the realservers or not, as I
did not see
any instruction about having to do this anywhere, but it certainly got

all demons that you are LVS'ing must listen on the VIP on the realserver for
LVS-DR. It's explained in the HOWTO, but the HOWTO is big and I'm sure you could miss it.

If the demon wasn't listening on the VIP, then you should have got
"connection refused" which is explained in Sect 7.6 in the mini-HOWTO.
(I will update that section to point out that dest==VIP).

    Though I am finally able to ssh to LVS,  I am now encountering a
new battle.
To complete our LVS configuration, we need to have LVS working with
kerberos and opensafs (also installed on our machines). So now, though I am
finally able to ssh to LVS, I am seeing that we are not able to create
afs tokens.

you're going to have to find the ports involved with Kerberos and LVS them


Karen Shepelak
SCS-GROUP (Scientific Computing Support)
FERMILAB (Work: 630-840-2715 -- Pager:630-266-2383 -- FAX:630-840-6345)

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