
lvs and sonicwall ssl rx ssl offloader

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: lvs and sonicwall ssl rx ssl offloader
From: Byron Albert <byron.a@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 13:16:43 -0500

I am kinda new to lvs and need to see if there is a way for lvs to help
me. I am working in an enviroment where we need to utilize sonicwall ssl
rx ssl offloaders. These devices have two modes of operation. The first
and easyest way is to use them as an ethernet bridge to the server. In
this mode they intercept encrypted data on spesifyed ports and pass the
plain text version onto the server. There is also a one arm'ed
trasparent proxy mode. This is the mode that needs to be used to remove
any single point of failer.  In this configuration encrypted data hits
the load balnacer witch passes it to the sonic wall then the sonic wall
send the plain text data to a ip port specified in the proxy setup.  I
find it very easy to understand how to load balance the incoming trafic
the problem becomes the return trip and how to have the load balancer
keep route state for witch sonic wall to pass the data back to? The
sonic wall is a transparent proxy so the packet data by default would
get routed back to the client w/o getting encrypted....

Can any one help me understand how to set this up so that the data
passes back through the sonic walls and gets encrypted back out.



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