
Re: ldirectord checktype=connect false positive

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: ldirectord checktype=connect false positive
From: "Lloyd Brown" <somewhere_or_other@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:28:25 -0600 (MDT)
I understand.  Normally, I'd agree with you, especially since they're not
AMD processors, but Intel EM64T processors, so they shouldn't have any
real problems with the i386 code.  However, I'm just a student they hired
to help out for a few months with the cluster (I graduate in April), and
so maintainability and consistency are pretty important.  The rest of the
cluster is running everything in x86_64 packages, so I'd like to keep it
as consistant as possible.  That, and it's what my boss told me to do.

If I had my choice, I'd re-architect the whole cluster using x86_64
debian, but that's another story...

Thanks again,

Graham David Purcocks M.A.(Oxon.) said:
> I'm using the same RHEL3. Why are you worried about the x86_64 packages
> for an LVS machine? Can't you just use the normal ones. I didn't think
> it was particularly processor intensive.
> If you are not doing anything mega complicated and you aren't balancing
> at full Ethernet speed, is using the x86_64 system necessary?
> Completely irrelevant to your specific problem but just a thought.
> Looking at the code. I remember connect for UDP isn't supported in my
> version. Looks like this code does. Therefore I'd say you've found a bug
> introduced by the UDP changes.
> Graham

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