
Re: [noob] direct routing with only one routable ip?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [noob] direct routing with only one routable ip?
From: "Sam Tran" <stlist@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 15:16:10 -0500
On 12/13/06, Jed Reynolds <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've read the MiniHowto and the UltraMonkey Tutorial. Something that I'm
not entirely clear on if I can do a direct routing setup with only using
one routable IP address (aka, the VIP).

What I would like to do is to put the realservers on a DMZ with
non-routable addresses. And since I have two nics on the realservers,
can I configure the realserver nics plugged into the WAN switch with the
VIP? (arp_ignore of course). And  then I wouldn't need to do a lo:0,
would I ?

Like so:

WAN: x.200.200.112/28
VIP: x.200.200.113
RIP eth0:
RIP eth1: x.200.200.113

Or do I have to have a routable IP for each of the realserver eth1

All the direct routing examples that show two nics have routable IPs on
them. The other DR examples have all been on non-routable networks.

In LVS/DR topology, the real servers need to be in the same physical
segment (LAN) as the director. If your VIP is a routable IP and your
real servers are in a private subnet, your only option is LVS/NAT.


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