
Looking for someone to complete setup of HA Linux.

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Looking for someone to complete setup of HA Linux.
From: "Wesley Craft" <wcraft.htawork@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 15:34:55 -0400
I need someone who can complete my setup of LVS. It's UltraMonkey running on
CentOS 4.4. I have 4 total machines - 1 primary director, a backup director
running on my database server, and 2 real servers.

My database server and one of my real servers are running live for other
critical services and downtime must be minimal.

I have the failover between the two directors working fine, and traffic will
get to the two real servers fine, but it seems to get backed up and the
whole virtual server stalls when the traffic load gets even a little heavy
(and that's not much according to Apache Bench.)

At this point I cannot keep tinkering and need to get it running. Please
email me privately with your qualifications and rate.


-Wesley Craft

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