On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 13:47 -0400, Kendrick Gay wrote:
> Is there a particular reason they're non-persistent,
> or do you think this would this be a plausible a feature request?
Firstly what we're talking about here is "--set". From the man page:
--set tcp tcpfin udp
Change the timeout values used for IPVS connections. This com-
mand always takes 3 parameters, representing the timeout
values (in seconds) for TCP sessions, TCP sessions after receiv-
ing a FIN packet, and UDP packets, respectively. A timeout
value 0 means that the current timeout value of the correspond-
ing entry is preserved.
Nothing - well, I mean *almost* nothing - in a raw, unadulterated (by
any management applications) IPVS/LVS is persistent.
The kernel boots; the modules are loaded (or compiled in) and at this
point the only persistent things are the default compile-time settings
(hash size and so on).
At this point you don't have an LVS, so something else - not the
LVS/IPVS framework itself - is doing the configuring. It strikes me that
the management app (whether home cooked, rc.local, Piranha, Keepalived,
ldirectord or anything else folks might mention) has the job of making
settings persistent.
That said, you're right that "-S" doesn't output the timeout settings.
That could, I guess, be changed - but there will still be a large number
of systems out there without it, which will still need to manage that
setting in some way by themselves.
I believe you'd be better off tweaking Piranha's pulse (or whatever the
daemon is called) to handle this with a configuration option, in the
exact same way it's configured with virtual services. It's perhaps
notable that neither keepalived nor ldirectord do this.
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