On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 02:37:25PM +0100, Art -kwaak- van Breemen wrote:
> With attached patch (agains 3.13.3, but probably generic to >= 3.10) I get
> this:
should have been diff -up, instead of diff.
A cleanup of the icmpv6 handling for natted lvs services resulted
in the icmp packet being corrupted.
The ipv6_find_hdr seems to want to have -1 as a target for outer
level headers instead of a target >=0. The result is that packet
mangling was writing to the wrong offset, corrupting the packet,
and so disabling path-mtu-discovery.
- add extra debugging only output
- change target to -1
Signed-off-by: Ard van Breemen <ard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Description: Text Data