Linux Virtual Server Development STATUS:
Last modified at [$Date: 1999/3/17 $]
Everyone with plans on things they want to do for Linux Virtual Server
should add them to the repository now.
Open issues:
* Porting the virtual server patch to kernel 2.2
Status: nobody has volunteered yet
* Minimizing the overhead of timing of masquerading entries
+1: peter, wensong
Status: peter has volunteered
* The separate virtual service handling modules.
Since the ip_masq application modules are provided for the masquerading
users to access the remote service, the virtual server handling is just
in the reverse for the protocol that transmit addresses or port numberes
as application data. If we just change those ip_masq application to
support virtual service for those protocols (like current virtual FTP
service implementation, it is not efficent solution. A good solution
is to develop separate virtual service handling modules.
+1: wensong
Status: nobody has volunteered yet.
* Implement the dispatching technology of IBM Network Dispatcher into
the virtual server patch.
* The easy-install and easy-use cluster management software
* Integrate (improve if needed) Alan's heartbeat code in the virtual server
to setup a backup of LinuxDirector.
Status: Wensong used the heartbeat code to build a backup of
LinuxDirector. The backup will take over the virtual IP
address if it cannot hear the heartbeat message "I'm alive"
from the primary. wensong will put the setup instruction
on the web page soon.
Closed issues: