
RE: PCC patch for the VS 0.8

To: "Shi, Eddie E" <eshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: PCC patch for the VS 0.8
Cc: "'Peter Kese'" <peter.kese@xxxxxx>, Wensong Zhang <wensong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, virtual server mailing list <linux-virtualserver@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Ke{e <peter.kese@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 19:58:50 +0200 (MET DST)
> Hi Wensong,
>   Is this patch incorporated in VS 0.8 ?  Where can I get the patch if
> not.
>   I like to test them here to see the performance and others.


The patch is not incorporated into VS 0.8 but is a separate patch based
on VS 0.8. 

There are some minor things I would like to work out on that patch, but 
I am currently very busy with porting the Virtual Server to 2.2. The PCC
scheduling algorithm will be 'officially' released probably only in
the 2.2 kernel series.

Hopefully this will happen soon. I am currently testing the VS on the
2.2 kernel and it works fine. For the moment I have skipped the tunneling
forwarding option but have implemented direct routing instead.

Before I publish it, I would like to test it on a SMP machine, remove
my debugging calls and prepare a proper kernel patch out of it.

That shouldn't take me more than two or three days.


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