i am a french student in the ENSPS.
I am in the strasbourg french LUG. The 12 and 13th may, we will make a "free
day" ("journee du libre"). I want to demonstrate the power of Linux for
reliability and scalability. We want built a "farm" to serve : dns, mail, http,
ftp, ldap,...using LVS.
If you have any other document than those on the web. Please let my now. If you
talk about your experiment - especially about ftp - it will be a greater point
for me.
"La vie ne vaut rien, si on ne vit pas ses reves" JB007
"Le secret de la reussite, c'est la sincerite : si vous
parvenez a la feindre, vous pouvez faire n'importe quoi." George Burns
POSTAIRE Guillaume eleve 2A ENSPS
E-mail : postaire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx