In a message dated: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 18:12:18
Peter Martin said:
>Hi All,
>I have just purchased an 'off the shelf' copy of RedHat 6.2 Standard, to my
>amazement the system did not seem to support the persistance handeling
>features of LVS, after a little searching I found that the version of IPVSADM
>was the wrong one, so I ftp'd the newer version 1.7 from my other
>LVS box (RedHat 6.2 Beta!!) and all is now fine.
>I thought I would bring this to the attention of everyone in this group as
>it's a potential pit fall.
>I think I might email RedHat as well!
Good luck on having them fix it. We've submitted several bug reports agains
6.2, and they haven't done anything yet. Even the easy ones, like fixing the
damn sort command. C'mon, how do break sort, the code's been static for 20
some years now! :)
"I always explain our company via interpretive dance.
I meet lots of interesting people that way."
Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000
If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!