
Re: ldirectord dying ...

To: Billy Quinn <bquinn@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: ldirectord dying ...
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 12:26:14 -0700
On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 02:54:23PM -0400, Billy Quinn wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pretty new to LVS/Ultramonkey so forgive me if this question has been
> answered before ( I've checked the archives of this list and didnt see an
> answer ).
> I've set up an architecture somewhat similar to the highly available, load
> balanced, single virtual service examples in the documentation - where we
> have a number of servers residing in a private network.
> I'm using heartbeat/ldirectord to monitor the servers at an application
> level , and it works great . However , I'm wondering what about the
> situation where ldirectord dies ( say abruptly to a kill -9 ). It goes away
> quietly ( without modifying the ipvs table entries ), and heartbeat
> continues to function as usual.

Unfortunately heartbeat will not detect this at the moment.

> Question is , can heartbeat be set up to respawn a process when it dies (
> ala ldirectord ) , or do I need to hand roll my own solution to that . Right
> now , Im thinking of having a cron job kill -0 the ldirectord process every
> once and a while and restarting it if it dies. Am I missing something here ?

I would say that the cron approach would be the easiest. It would just be a
matter of checking the output of "/etc/rc.d/init.d/ldirectord status" and
then running "/etc/rc.d/init.d/ldirectord status" as required.

> I've tested it , and ldirectord can be hand started , and it picks up like
> nothing every happened. Is that safe to do ?

Yes this is safe.


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