jbearce@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> That seems to work for the non-persistent services, but it doesn't seem to
> work
> for the persistent ones. After removing a realserver or marking the weight as
> 0, no new traffic will be sent to that server, but looking at 'ipchains -L -M
> -n' still shows masq entries for existing connections and those connections
> don't seem to get routed to a new server until the masq timer expires. This
> is
> with the Redhat 2.2.14-12 kernel plus the LVS 0.9.13 patch. (I've tried all
> the
> earlier LVS patches down to 0.9.8 as well).
> Jim
Are you running the ipchains command to remove the real servers?
/sbin/ipchains -D forward -j MASQ -s <REALSERVER>
I'm using firewall marks, so your mileage may vary...