
Re: Piranha-questions

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Piranha-questions
From: Keith Barrett <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 12:06:26 -0400
"Stéphane Anet" wrote:
> Here is few information about my software configuration :
> I use RedHat 6.2
> I use Piranha-0.4.14-1

You need to grabe the latest piranha RPMs from

> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> About Kernel I use the original kernel that was in the RedHat 6.2 CD.

Should be OK.

> question 1 :
> I read in some documentation that to install and configure Piranha, we have 
> to have Redhat 6.1 or Redhat 6.2.
> About that in the documentation they speak about lvs patch.
> Do I need to apply this patch to my original kernel (redhat 6.2) ?

No. 6.2 includes the patch.

> I use one router, one real server and one computer to simulate a client 
> (someone who wants to see a site html install on the real server )
> --------------------------------
> My configuration installation :
> --------------------------------
> |----------HUB-------------
> |                          |
> |eth0=        |eth0=
> |eth0:1= (vs1) | ---------|
> |----------                |          |
> | active   |               | computer |
> | router   |               | Internet |
> |          |               ------------
> |----------
> |eth1=
> |eth1:1= (NAT router)
> |
> |
> |eth0=
> |---------|
> |    rs1  |
> |_________|
> ______________________________________________________________________
> At the level of my configuration (files) :
> ------------------------------------------
> In /etc/sysctl.conf I activate Defrag and Ip_forward.
> #Disables packet forwarding>
> net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
> # Enables source route verification>
> net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 0
> # Disables automatic defragmentation (needed for masquerading, LVS)
> net.ipv4.ip_always_defrag = 1
> # Disables the magic-sysrq key
> kernel.sysrq = 0
> I have verify that these options are activated when the computer start .
> cat ip_forward (the result is : 1)
> cat ip_always_defrag (the result is : 2)

ip_always_defrag must be "1". "2" is incorrect.
Sounds like you made an error in an "echo >" statement to /proc

> --
> In /etc/rc.d/rc.local I add this line :
> ipchains -A forward -J MASQ -d
> I have veify that option is activated when the computer start.
> ipchains -L


> At the level of my real server I add the default gateway :
> the real server is a window OS.
> the gateway i configure is
> I do a test to see if it works.
> -> ping
> -> ping
> It's ok
> The passwd section for piranha is correct :> http://xxxxx/piranha
> - it ask me for a password , I type it, it is ok ( i type it before with the 
> command piranha-passwd *****)
> - after i put the information concerning my cluster with the web interface,
> - all is ok . I can verify by editing the file /etc/
> - after I start the cluster, I type pulse
> the daemon pulse run after few second, 1 daemon nanny run and lvs daemon run 
> as well.
> - When I look at the web interface on the control monitoring
> I can read at the level of current LVS routing table :
> - My Primary server IP : with the correct port 80
> - The adress IP of my real server
> When I try to connect to my cluster puting
> on the computer internet (IP :
> - It doesn't work (after 5 or 6 minutes there is an indication :
> - "there is no response the server may be out of order"

I'm not sure using 192. addresses everywhere will work, since
you are trying to use NAT. Perhaps a more knowledgable LVS person
can respond to this.

I examine that defrag parameter also and make sure it's set to 1.

> - I did several test to understand the problem, my observation are :
> - at the level of the web interface i can see that there is a
> connexion when i try to reach one of the two real servers with the computer 
> internet
> - at the level of real servers (windows) I can see that there
> is a connexion with the active router (with the log files).

If it helps, you can type "pulse -n -v" instead of using the startup script.
This will run pulse interactively and display debugging output. Make sure
you have the new RPMs installed.

A "tail -f /var/log/messages" is also useful.


Keith Barrett
Red Hat Inc. HA Team

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