
Re: Failover(?) using VS-NAT?

To: Dayton Turner <turnerd@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Failover(?) using VS-NAT?
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Wayne <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 15:03:05 -0700
I do not think TUN and DR can handle this.  This is an issue that
always exist -- when you real server going down, you will see
few users lost their connections, their shopping cart contents,
but since that is not happening everyday (not every week or month,
we hope), the users are pretty forgiven about this.  This is the
nature of the Internet -- sort of.  I had problem with my ISP in
last few days, they disconnect the T1 line 5 times in that one day.
I did lost some orders, but most customers will come back next

At 02:49 PM 8/14/00 -0700, Dayton Turner wrote:
>By any chance are there any solutions around this (without using NAT maybe?)
>Its not that huge of a deal, I was just wondering how big of an issue people
>made it, and if say TUN or DR handled it properly.
>Wayne wrote:
>> A connection is between the client and VIP on the LVS box.
>> Even any commercial load balancer if using VIP will do the
>> same -- the connection would be dead.  It is up to the client
>> to click on the "reload" button to get new connection going.
>> At 12:55 PM 8/14/00 -0700, Dayton Turner wrote:
>> >Hi There, I've just set up a 2machine load balanced webserver using
>> >VS-NAT, everything works great, I only have one concern. I decided to
>> >see what would happen if i unplugged the lan cable from machine 2, and
>> >sent a request to the director. Sure enough, it just sat there waiting
>> >for a connection. Just like I hoped. Now, I'll remove the ipvsadm entry
>> >for that machine, hoping the request will fall over onto machine 1. Such
>> >things do not happen. I figured this was important in the real world if
>> >a machine went down before the monitoring program found out, and someone
>> >had requested a page before the machine was pulled from the pool. Anyone
>> >know a way to make dead existing connections fall over to a working
>> >webserver?
>> >
>> >Thanks
>> >Dayton
>> >
>> >--
>> >                             `~ ~'
>> >                              O.O
>> >---------------------------UUU-V-UUU---------------------------------
>> >Dayton Turner                   UNIX Systems and Network Administrator
>> >E-Mail: turnerd@xxxxxxxxxx      Cell: (604) 809-7742
>> >WWW:     Richmond, BC, Canada
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>                             `~ ~'
>                              O.O
>Dayton Turner                   UNIX Systems and Network Administrator
>E-Mail: turnerd@xxxxxxxxxx      Cell: (604) 809-7742
>WWW:     Richmond, BC, Canada

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