
Re: arp problem - any definate solutions yet?

To: Stephen Rowles <spr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: arp problem - any definate solutions yet?
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: zhangxch <again.zhang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 12:36:57 +0800
see the document related to LVS-TUNEl  on about
2.2.x kernel. someone has add hidden arp code to it. I just check  use lo
device and it work.

But is a little unstable, both tunneling or direct route. the real server 's
NIC alway crash with a  low services loads. I don't know why ? anyone have a
good ideas make it work more better.

Stephen Rowles wrote:

> hi,
> I am trying to create a cluster of machines for load balanced telnet
> access. The plan is to create a cluster of machines that can be accessed by
> undergraduate students both as a cluster and individually. People will
> generally connect to the cluster, run jobs / check-mail, then log off when
> finished. However they need to be able to connect back to a specific real
> server so that they can retrieve jobs.
> I am trying to setup tunnel access, but I cannot get my redhat 6.2 real
> server to stop replying to arp requests. I have put in a unconnected
> network card to the machine. Before the card has it's module inserted,
> pinging the cluster VIP gets no response (the director is currenly off line
> for arp testing). After configuring the extra card with the VIP but not
> connecting it to any real network, pinging the VIP gets a response. I have
> read the how-to but can't figure out what is wrong. Anybody got any ideas?
> cheers,
> Steve.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage
> makes you a mechanic.

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