
Re: Cluster not seeing packets from outside it's own subnet

To: Stephen Rowles <spr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Cluster not seeing packets from outside it's own subnet
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Joseph Mack <mack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 07:28:48 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Stephen Rowles wrote:

> hi,
> I have setup a cluster with the following steps as show below, however it 
> will not accept telnet requests from outside the clusters subnet. However 
> if you connect from a machine that is on the same subnet, then there is no 
> problem and the cluster works fine... Anybody know what I am doing wrong? I 
> have used tcpdump and I know that even from outside the clusters subnet the 
> telnet packets are reaching the director but it seems to just ignore them. 
> (the packet sniffer was run on the director to ensure that the packets 
> REALLY got to that machine).

The setup appears OK at first look. 

Is the routing OK? 

Can the outside client, director, real-servers all ping each other? Can
you telnet directly to the real-servers (ie to their RIP) and to the
director (to the DIP) from the outside client. Do the machines which
forward (have IPs on the LVS network and on the outside network) have
forwarding on?

Joseph Mack mack@xxxxxxxxxxx

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