
Announcing Piranha 0.4.17-2 release

To: piranha-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Announcing Piranha 0.4.17-2 release
Cc: linux-ha@xxxxxx, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Keith Barrett <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 19:27:04 -0400
Version 0.4.17-2 fixes several reported problems,
including problems with using multiple virtual
servers, persistence, and "least connections"

o A memory error when persistence was enabled has
  been fixed. This bug manifested itself in several
  ways; most often as problems using multiple virtual

o An uninitialized variable was fixed in pulse's
  heartbeat. This bug manifested itself as an "invalid
  argument" error on the heartbeat receive I/O call. 

o "Least connections" scheduling was incorrecting using
  "pcc" instead of "lc" as a definition and ipvsadm

o Fixed incorrect directory references when installing
  the GUI RPM. 

o lvs now supports a "-v" switch. This allows pulse
  to pass debug mode onto the nanny children in an
  lvs setup. 

This RPM release is a logical upgrade to the original
piranha in 6.2 and High Availability Server product,
and includes all past patches. Due to the nature of
some of the fixes, users are encouraged to upgrade
to ensure reliability.


Keith Barrett
Red Hat Inc. HA Team

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