

To: "Lvs-Users" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: LVS and CBQ
From: "Clint Byrum" <cbyrum@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 10:02:24 -0700
Forgive me if I'm talking out of my arse here, but I believe one of the
"features" of IP-Masquerading in Linux is that once the masq table entry is
created, much of the normal routing code is bypassed. Maybe this includes

Are you using VS-NAT? That would also explain why your forward rule with
the -j ACCEPT cause things to stop working.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:jmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of joern maier
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 4:24 AM
> To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: LVS and CBQ
> Hi there,
> I hope anybody of you can help me. I´ve got a problem using LVS and CBQ
> (class based queueing -> feature of advanced routing of the Linux
> Kernel)
> with CBQ you can shape bandwidth (see adv_routing_how_to)
> The problem is as follows:
> I´ve got a setup like this using LVS and direct_routing, aller hosts are
> Athlon 800MHZ, 256MByte RAM, 3com90x 100Mbit Netcard using SuSE Linux
> 7.0
> i.e. Kernel 2.2.16:
>                                         ---server_1 (lo:0
>                                        /
>    client  --------------|-----------------server_2 (lo:0
>        load balancer     \
>                       (with CBQ)        ---server_3 (lo:0
>                eth0:110 =    
> the real IP-Adr of the real servers are:
> server_1:
> server_2:
> server_3:
> the real IP-Adr of the LB is:
> serviced which are provided by LVS are telnet and http
> additional services on the director which are set up with IP
> and should therefore be unknown to the director and just be accessable
> via
> the real name of this server are: telnet, http and ftp
> the client is just for testing purposes
> what I´m trying to do is shaping the bandwidth from the load balancer to
> the
> webservers in a way that the client (src  is allowed to
> send a
> a maximum of 200KBit/s of data to the servers. Therefore I compiled the
> kernel
> of the LB (=VS.director) with the appropriate features. However it
> simply does
> not care about the bandwidth limitation. I tried it in two different
> ways:
> attempt 1:
> I implemented a CBQ filter like this:
> # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 100:0 protocol ip prio 100 u32 match ip
> src flowid 100:100
> -> the queue 100:100 is set to a range of 200Kbit/s but this is just
> ignored. As many
> data as is send by the client is forwarded to the realservers
> attempt 2:
> I set the filter roule in a way that every package marked with 100 by
> the firewall is
> put into the above mentioned queue (100:100):
> # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 100:0 prio 100 handle 100 fw
> classid 100:100
> then I set up the firewall with the following roule:
> # ipchains -A input -p ip -s -m 100 -j ACCEPT
> after doing this, the LB (VS.director) did not forward any packet to the
> real_servers
> anymore. Trying it with http he used teh webserver which runs on the
> same
> machine as the director but should be unknown to the director because it
> is set up on the real IP of the director and never mentioned in any of
> the configuration skripts.
> using one of the following roules nothing happend:
> # ipchains -A forward -p ip -s -m 100 -j ACCEPT
> or
> # ipchains -A output -p ip -s -m 100 -j ACCEPT
> has anybody a clue what I´ve done wrong or if you need some more
> information so
> please e-mail me.
> thanks,
>   Joern

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