I have Kernel 2.2.14-5.0 and the modules that come with
the RedHat 6.2 distribution. (0.9.7 I think)
The errors are appearing on the director. I don't have x-
windows or anything, just text mode. After starting the
director using rc.lvs_nat and then running the scripts on
the realservers, I try to connect to the VIP using the
windows client using IE. Telnetting to port 80 also
produces the same result.
I still don't know what to put in for the director's gateway. I only have four
machines in my test setup
(1 client, 1 director and 2 real servers) and nothing else.
The error again:
> IP_VS: Schedule: port zero only supported in persistent
> services, check your ipvs configuration
I have tried running the script with the DIRECTOR_DEFAULT_GW directive removed,
and it seems to configure the machine, but the fact that the set-up does not
work means I cannot say whether it is this or something
else that is causing the problem.
IP Version Virtual Server Version 0.9.7 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP C0A8016E:0000 wlc
I'm getting the feeling something's wrong here...
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