LVS keeps a table with all established connections. The testLVS
simulates thousands of different clients to make this table
big and "load" the redirector in that way.
How exactly is this table working? What entries are there?
Why are 1000 connections for 1000 clients so much bigger
then 1000 connections for one client?
Is it possible to obtain a big table with the same client-
IP-address, but with different ports?
float o=0.075,h=1.5,T,r,O,l,I;int _,L=80,s=3200;main(){for(;s%L||(h-=o,T=
-2),s;4-(r=O*O)<(l=I*I)|++ _==L&&write(1,(--s%L?_<L?--_ %6:6:7)+"World!
\n",1)&&(O=I=l=_=r=0,T+=o /2)) O=I*2*O+h,I=l+T-r;}