On 2000-12-12T09:29:48,
Stephen Rowles <spr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> This would seem like the best approach for my particular problem. My
> compute cluster does not deal with a high connection rate, but with fewer
> long term connections. A best effort (possibly just UDP type packets)
> transmission of the connections to the failover director would probably be
> sufficient. The idea would be to lose as few connections as possible, I
> think that losing one or two connections in the event of a failure would be
> brilliant.
If your application can cope with losing one connection - which potentially
translates to a client being able with having to reconnect to the server - the
probability is high that you could cope with losing all connections and having
the client reconnect.
Lars Marowsky-Brée <lmb@xxxxxxx>
Development HA
Perfection is our goal, excellence will be tolerated. -- J. Yahl