
Re: apache error 408 behind lvs-nat

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: apache error 408 behind lvs-nat
From: Wayne <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:00:16 -0800
Your WAP server is doing client redirect that your
tiny browser does not understand AND the tiny browser
sending some extra characters after the connection
request.  Do a tcpdump you will see the extra
character at the "send" command.  Since the WAP server
trying to negotiate with the browser for client redirect, it
confused when it sees the extra character.  There is
nothing you can do.  Nothing wrong with the LVS.

At 06:26 PM 12/13/00 -0800, Cono D'Elia wrote:
>I've introduced Linux and LVS-NAT to my boss, and for the past 6 months it's 
>working exceptionally well. We have Web, Email, and SQL services running 
>behind LVS-NAT. 
>Recently we WAP enabled our site. We are using Apache 1.3.12. The HDML and 
>HTML files are both being served from the same web server, in the same 
>Document Root dir.
>When I access the site using my SANYO SCP/4000. The first connect is slow and 
>my cellphone just sits in RECEIVING MODE, it ends up timing out with DATA 
>SERVER UNAVAILABLE coming from UP.LINK Gateway. Then as soon as I hit retry, I 
>connect immediately.
>The microbrowser I'm using is up.browser v4.3. It's been suggested that since 
>the wap site does not receive alot of requests, my ISP has to contact the root 
>servers for DNS.  Once the site has been accessed it is quicker because it is 
>in their local DNS cache.
>This only happens for the WAP site.
>If anyone can point me out to any resources or case history if this is a 
>LVS-NAT or APACHE problem I would really appreciate it.

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