The ipvs-1.0.3 for kernel 2.2.18 is available at the LVS web site.
Virtual Server patch for Linux 2.2.18 - Version 1.0.3 - December 30,
* Changed the output format of svc->timeout from "%d" to "%u",
in order to keep it consistent with the type of svc->timeout.
* Upgrade the ipvsadm from version 1.13 to 1.14
Fixed the persistent timeout parsing bug instroduced in the
ipvsadm-1.13. (changed "%ud" back to "%u")
Horms added the -v option to display the version of ipvsadm.
Horms updated the debian files.
Updated the %files section in the ipvsadm.spec.in file so that
the srpm can be built in different environments.
Thanks and Happy New Year!