> I've checked the mailing list and persistence paper, and it seems the
> to do is to adjust the persistence granularity . However , if I adjust the
> netmask, all of our internal network traffic will go to one server , which
> kind of defeats the purpose.
We're having the exact same problem with WebSphere cookie-based sessions. I
was testing this earlier today and I think I've solved this particular
problem by using firewall marks.
Basically, I'm setting everything from our internal network with one FWMARK
and everything else with another. Then, I setup the ipvsadm rules with the
default client persistence for our internal network(/32) and a class C
netmask granularity (/24) for everything from the outside to deal w/ the AOL
proxy farms.
Here's the iptables script I'm using to set the marks:
iptables -F -t mangle
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s -d $VIP/32 --dport
80 -j MARK --set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s ! -d $VIP/32 --dport
80 -j MARK --set-mark 2
Then, I have the following rules setup for ipvsadm:
ipvsadm -C
ipvsadm -A -f 1 -s wlc -p 2000
ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r $RIP1:0 -g -w 1
ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r $RIP2:0 -g -w 1
ipvsadm -A -f 2 -s wlc -p 2000 -M
ipvsadm -a -f 2 -r $RIP1:0 -g -w 1
ipvsadm -a -f 2 -r $RIP2:0 -g -w 1
FWMARK #1 doesn't have a persistent mask specified, so each client on the network is seen as an individual client. FWMARK #2 packets are
seen as a class C client network to deal with the AOL proxy farm problem.
Like I said, I just did this today, and based on my limited testing, I think
it works. I'm thinking about maybe setting a whole bunch of rules to deal
w/ each of the published AOL cache-proxy server networks
(http://webmaster.info.aol.com/index.cfm?article=15&sitenum=2), but I think
that would be too much of an administrative nightmare if they change it.
> What I'm concluding is , that I'll need to change the network architecture
> since we are all on one subnet ) , or buy a load balancer which will look
> the actual data in the packets ( layer 7 ? ) .
I'd still like to see this. The ktcpvs project implements some level of
layer-7 switching by matching URL patterns, but we need the same type of
cookie based persistence for our WebSphere real servers. Hopefully, it
won't be too long before that gets added.