Roberto Nibali wrote:
> Malcolm Cowe wrote:
> >
> > persistent connections (my cluster just needs high timeout values on the
> > connections -- is there any way to make the connections never timeout?
> > =]).
> What for? You break the flow of TCP which is fundamental. You can set
> the timeout very high but this is nonsense and defeats the purpose of
> load balancing. Give me an example where you would need such a thing.
I am setting up an LVS cluster which load balances XDMCP sessions. When
users log in, they will want to remain connected until they log out
(past experience shows that they get upset when kicked off after a
timeout is imposed). In this cluster configuration, the load balancing
is something that occurs over a long period of time, and I am using the
cluster more from the point of view of providing a single IP address to
the client network, coupled with better availability of the service
The cluster will be reasonably balanced, if you take a long term view
(think glacier [XDMCP] versus stream [HTTP] =]).
Once the first revision of the cluster, using NAT with plain RR, is
established, I shall be trying other load-balancing mechanisms and will
move to DR. However, my priorities now are documentation (first draft
finished, but ugly) and deployment (waiting on the Data Centre admin to
arrange a rack). I intend to publish my docs, along with the scripts
some time in the next few weeks -- I'll fling them at my WWW site.
So, it turns out that the Pen stuff is of no use to LVS. That's fine
with me, no problem. Just trying to present an open outlook.
Malcolm Cowe.
IT | Technical Computing, Telephone: +44 131 331 6466
Agilent Technologies Ltd. Telnet: 313-3466