
FW: example of LVS-ha + lots of docs + small essential files. co mments

To: "'lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: FW: example of LVS-ha + lots of docs + small essential files. co mments appreciated, let's make the HOWTO have a great LVS-HA example..
From: Peter Mueller <pmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:41:53 -0700
ok removed the attached perl modules & fping to reduce size...

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Mueller 
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 3:50 PM
To: 'lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Cc: alex-lvs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: example of LVS-ha + lots of docs + small essential files.
comments appreciated, let's make the HOWTO have a great LVS-HA example..


sorry if made anyone's mail slow or beat up the LVS list manager server.  I
believe I included only smallish  files that might be a pain to find.

of course all information is posted without warranty.. if you bust your site
it isn't my fault!  expect it to not work and be surprised if it does :)
*original mon files from Juri, modified to probably not work as well*.
*data posted from personal experience or mailing list (linux-ha or LVS) or
respective websites.  sorry if I'm plagiarizing, it's in good faith...*

mon @
ultramonkey @
check out good linux-ha startup information :

I am _just_ starting to learn mon and feel mildly comfortable with it.  My
configuration works for me for any of the following LVS failures :
catastrophic failure, ethernet failure, serial failure, or heartbeat
failure.  Comments are appreciated and I think the LVS team could use
them... (( of course I volunteer to have the entire LVS community make my
setup better.. yep no greedy motivation there! ))

note : these scripts assume mon 0.99.2.  For simplicity in install I
downloaded mon-0.38rpm (couldn't find new 0.99.2 rpm) and upgraded to 0.99.2
via source.  I then changed appropriate lines in /etc/rc.d/init.d/mon and
voila :)



Attachment: linux-ha howto.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: howto - sidestep mon install.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: heartbeat.alert
Description: Binary data

Attachment: restartheartbeat.alert
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pid.monitor
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

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