
Re: Incremental checksum updates for 2.2.19-1.0.8

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Incremental checksum updates for 2.2.19-1.0.8
From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 21:59:35 +0200
Hi Julian,

>         No, I don't want it, it is a crap that is already present,
> I never use it. Of course, I didn't used CONFIG_IP_MASQ_DEBUG may be
> from 2 years ago :) It is not compiled by default

So bloody take over the code and drop this crap. Think about people
trying to understand the TCP/IP stack in linux only having a limited
time of one lifespan.
>         Nobody from the maintainers wants/have the time to touch the
> masquerade

Ok, I mean it's working, but some cleanup work would be a piece of
cake for you.
> > Thanks for the clarifications, I will certainly urge the people
> > attending
> > the course to patch in your fresh patch :)
>         Very good :)

Well I set up 10 Sunblade 100 today (sponsored by the swiss federal
institute of technology) and did some preliminary testing for the
workshop tomorrow and: It didn't crash. I made 2.5 Million requests
over the LVS_NAT and downloaded stuff over another interface, also
NAT, the same machine and kernel. No crash. But I couldn't verify if
it is faster then the old one. From to code, yes, but not from any
tests. I think this is a thing Joe can do a lot better since he's
already done extensive tests.

Good work, Julian. Cheers,
Roberto Nibali, ratz

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