
LVS-tun on 2.4.x epistimalogical inqueries

To: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: LVS-tun on 2.4.x epistimalogical inqueries
From: <listgetter@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 19:22:49 -0700 (PDT)
Here is our situation:
We have a network block of public ip's that range from x.x.x.128 to 
We are wanting to setup LVS-TUN so we can distribute the load of our 
website between two machines.
Which the first machine, the director, is going to be a local node. 

gargamel: running with kernel 2.4.12, IP = x.x.x.155, running ipvsadm 

smurfette: running with kernel 2.4.5, IP = x.x.x.147

Both machines have been patched with linux-2.4.5-ipvs-0.8.1.patch.gz and 

The first way we set it up was this:

Director Setup
gargamel# /sbin/ipvsadm -A -t x.x.x.155:80 -s wlc
gargamel# /sbin/ipvsadm -a -t x.x.x.155:80 -r -i -w 1
gargamel# /sbin/ipvsadm -a -t x.x.x.155:80 -r x.x.x.147 -i -w 1
gargamel# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
gargamel# /sbin/insmod ipip
gargamel# /sbin/ifconfig tunl0 x.x.x.155 netmask broadcast 
x.x.x.155 up
gargamel# /sbin/route add -host x.x.x.155 dev tunl0
gargamel# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/hidden
gargamel# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tunl0/hidden

Real Server Setup
smurfette# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
smurfette# /sbin/insmod ipip
smurfette# /sbin/ifconfig tunl0 x.x.x.147 netmask broadcast 
x.x.x.147 up
smurfette# /sbin/route add -host x.x.x.147 dev tunl0
smurfette# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/hidden
smurfette# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tunl0/hidden

With this we have not been able to get either machine to pass back a web 

The way we think it works, is that the director receives a packet on 
x.x.x.155:80, and schedules the packet for either itself or smurfette. At 
that point we're not certain if LVS will encapsulate the packet itself and 
then deliver to x.x.x.147, or if it will want to use an IP-tunneling 
interface that we've already set up. One of the reasons we suspect that LVS 
doesn't do the encapsulation step internally is because we haven't seen 
anywhere that tells LVS if it is running in TUN or NAT mode, so we're 
assuming that those distinctions are in the environment setup, and do not 
affect LVS's internal operations. We're also not certain how such an 
interface works, our background with ifconfig is limited to configuring an 
ethernet adapter for more than one IP :(. We're not even sure how we'll 
convince Smurfette to decapsulate the incoming packets. 

One of the biggest reasons that we can't just tinker and figure these 
things out for ourselves is that when the director isn't talking to the 
realservers, we don't have a way to diagnose where the problem is (or if 
it's the tunnel, whats the matter with it). I don't think we can set up 
tcpdump to identify encapsulated packets for instance.

So I guess that outlines where our situation is. If anybody help us down 
the path to enlightenment, it would greatly be appreciated :)

Jess and Jim

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