Hi ico,
I'm having a problem getting keepalived to be able to fail-over 2 web
sites on lvs with a groups of real servers on each site. Like the
| |
| |
| |
|tcp port 80 |tcp port 80
|-----------| |--------------|
real-svr1 real-svr2 real-svr3 real-svr4
I run the same topology on a prod env, so we need to investigate into your
my problems is that keepalive only works on the and
fails over for real-svr1 and real-svr2 but not for and
real-svr3 and real-svr4. What could be the problem? I'm using HTTP_GET
method to monitor the real-svrs. Is it possible that keepalived can only
monitor one set of servers?
As many as you want (have tried with 15 VS but must work with more)
I'm also looking in my /var/log/debug file to see if there's any hints
there but I only see the <Global definitions> listed and not a list of
LVS topology. What would cause the LVS topology to not show up?
Can you please send me your keepalived.conf file ? if the <LVS Topology>
part is empty so you have a configuration problem.
The keepalived configuration keywords are case sensitive...
Look forward to you,
Best regards,