Home site Remote site
e0:1 a.b.c.2 e0:1 m.n.o.2
------------ ------------
router<---|e0 a.b.c.1| |e0 m.n.o.1|--->router
| LVSA | | LVSB |
|e1 e.f.g.1| |e1 e.f.h.1|
------------ ------------
| |
| |
t0:a.b.c.2 |
------------ ------------
router<---|e0 e.f.g.2| |e0 e.f.h.2|
| RSVA | | RSVB |
------------ ------------
While the above diagram is highly simplified it represents what I am trying
to achieve. These two sites (and eventually another remote site) will
eventually run FreeSWAN to establish a private tunnel between the real
servers so the reserved IPs e.f.g and e.f.h are different on purpose.
The Home site uses VS-TUN since all realservers can route out.
The Remote site uses VS-NAT since the realservers can only route via LVSB.
All incoming requests go to LVSA. LVSA decides to route to its own cluster
or redirect to LVSB.
How do I load-balance/redirect between LVSA and LVSB?