Looks to me as though the latest supported kernel is 2.4.16
The latest stable for production is 2.4.12 with the
linux-2.4.12-ipvs-0.8.2.patch.gz. This is off the website at
--On Wednesday, January 9, 2002 2:19 PM -0500 Chris <cditri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello everyone:
I have been struggling with this about a week now -- non-stop... Please
indulge me, I could REALLY use the help.
This is what we want:
| Internet |
| Router |
| Firewall |
| |
/ \
/ \
-------------- ----------------
| Director A |+ +| Director B |
-------------- -----------------
| |
---------- | |
| ------------- ------------ --------- ---------------
| Web C | | DB D | | DB E | | Web F |
------------- ------------ --------- ---------------
We are looking for redundancy here. We have one website to serve. We
would have that site synced between machines C and F. These websites
would pull data from the Data Base machines D and E. The load balancers
would do what you would expect, i.e. balance the traffic.
I started out at Ultramonkey, I have reall all of the documentation I
could find there, and got nowhere (but frustrated). They start you out
by telling you to configure heartbeat, but give you no clue on how to do
this. (let's forget right now that Ultramonkey makes no mention of
IPTABLES, they use IPCHAINS). So I go to linux-ha.org. I get the Getting
Started Guide. It doesn't even mention half of the things brought up in
the example script given by ultramonkey (namely STONITH), for a while, I
ignore it, and put together a couple of config scrips... they seem to
work, but I have no idea what I have accomplished UM says that heartbeat
is responsible for serving up the floating IP that would be shared by my
two directors... Is that true? I can't find ANYTHING in the docs that
talks about how to do such a thing!
So... I look into STONITH, I find out this means Shoot The Other Node In
The Head, I find out it is a way to prevent patitioning of a cluster --
but I can't find ANYTHING on how to use it! So I decide maybe I can
start with ldirectord, but that is run by Heartbeat! That left me with
trying to start with LVS... I knew I had to recompile the kernel, that
did not scare me as I have done this oodles of times. I got the new
kernel 2.4.17 and the newest stable releases of ipvs and the patch. I
have successfuly compiled my kernel (following the mini-howto) and
everything looked great -- but -- when I try to run ipvsadm it tells me:
"could not open the /proc/net/ip_masq/vs file -- Are you sure the IP
virtual server is suppported by the kernel). I read on a news group that
that may be because I didn't have the modules loaded up, so I loaded
every module in /lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/net/ipv4/ipvs -- and that
didn't help (didn't think it would but nothing else was!).
I have all the howtos, all of them make an awful lot of assumptions, and
most of them are too terse. I am reading the full LVS howto but it
referrs me to the minihowto before I continue!
This should not be so complicated! To top this all off, I have to have
this done in 2 weeks! A deadline made for me -- not by me.
Can someone please help me at least get started? *Which one of this is
first?* *Why doesn't ipvsadm recognize the new kernel?*
Thank you so much in advance.
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andrew erickson