
Re: What Hardware?

To: LVS <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: What Hardware?
From: Zachariah Mully <zmully@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 05 Feb 2002 10:42:46 -0500
        It sounds like you don't have that tight of a budget as the list of
preferred machines would indicate, but if you were looking to save some
money, take a look at Penguin Computing. I have a raft of their servers
(about 25) that I bought from a dead dot-com second hand and they've
been great. I replaced all the CPU fans in the pizza boxes that I had,
but that was only preventative maintenance. 
        I have also purchased two new servers from them, a Relion 120 and a
Relion 220 and I am very very happy with them. You're not going to have
any compatibility issues (ala IBM/DELL/HP propritary mobo's) as they run
SuperMicro almost exclusive from what I've seen. The cases aren't going
to have all the cool features that the Dell or IBM's would but to be
frank, I set them up in the colo center about 6 months ago and I haven't
been back. They could be bright pink for all I care.
        Also, you don't need anything special for the directors. I know that my
director (LVS-DR) is a PII500 w/128MB RAM, dual eepro100's and in the
lab, it was able to sustain 30+mbit/sec (that's as much load as I could
generate) without dropping below 95% idle. I would have gone with
something smaller, but I didn't have anything. I bet a P90 would have
sufficed. Same goes for the webservers, we get about 2.2 million hits a
day (mostly image downloads into our emails), and the servers (apache
1.3.20) have yet to drop below 99% idle. In our experience, once apache
caches the image/page in memory, you'll be pretty much bandwidth


On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 09:33, Thomas Robinson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to decide on the necessary hardware to build an LVS-DR
> cluster with initially two directors (for failover) three realservers
> and one database server (upgrading to two database later). So far we've
> looked at IBM, HP, and Dell to provide the hardware. I'm curious to know
> what other people are using and if they have experienced any problems
> with their equipment during the setting up and running of an LVS
> cluster.
> Here's a list of the models we're interested in:
> HP: lp1000r
> IBM: x330
> Dell: PowerApp.Web 120
> Anyone using this kit already? I'm quite concerned about the NIC's as
> they are built in. Also whether to have SMP directors or not. The
> realservers will be running an apache/tomcat config that mostly serves
> cached content from memory with the occasional database hit.
> Thanks in Advance
> Tom
> Thomas Robinson
> Ehbas Ltd
> T: 01273 234 665
> F: 01273 704 499
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