
Re: local routing problems

To: Julian Anastasov <ja@xxxxxx>, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: local routing problems
From: Padraig Brady <padraig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 17:14:43 +0000
Julian Anastasov wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Padraig Brady wrote:

   Yes, because only the NAT mode alters addresses/ports
in the packet. All other 3 methods don't change them
nor localnode performs port redirection like the ipchains
redirection. For LocalNode LVS just passes the packet to
the upper layers, without change.

Can you see any problem with me changing this operation.
I.E. allowing different port for real servers for localnode?
It will probably be a little slower but I can't see any other

The following server may be of use to people deploying
LVS directors. It's a redirection super server, i.e. it
runs on the director and listens on many ports and redirects
clients (only HTTP at the moment) in various ways.
The way I see it used is for e.g. if you had 2 WWW servers,
WWW1 & WWW2 then you would create a virtual service with
3 members. WWW1, WWW2 & VIP:VPORT(weight 0). When both WWW1
& WWW2 fail you can set the weight of the other to 1 and
configure inetrd to listen on the VIP:VPORT. ldirectord
could be configured to do this automatically I think.


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