
Re: are spambots scanning the HOWTO for e-mail addresses?

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: are spambots scanning the HOWTO for e-mail addresses?
From: Paul Baker <pbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 13:06:53 -0500
On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 10:54 AM, Wayne wrote:

I hate spam, too.  More than 70% of our emails are from
spammers.  It was so much spam that some times the
sales by accident deleted customer's emails and thought
that was from spammer.   One thing that everyone can
help to stop spam is never follow any link in spam emails.

To curb the spam situation, maybe we could put the
email address in a gif file or jpg file, so that to human it
is readable, but  to computers it means nothing at all.

You wanna know how I fight spam? I subscribe to a whole bunch of high traffic mailing lists, such as the debian unstable changes mailing list. This helps keep my spam email ratio down, since I get so much mailing list mail, the number of spam emails is relatively small. :-P

--Paul Baker

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