On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Sébastien Bonnet wrote:
> Actually, I have eth0:2 being the VIP, because at this point,
> "backup-and-node" is the director. But when it's not, I still need VIP to be
> setup on lo:1 to use "backup-and-node" as a realserver.
The problem is that this setup is ambigous. The kernel doesn't
know what device you are using for primary and for secondary IPs.
Device lo is valid device for primary IPs. It is not allowed to
define one IP both as primary and secondary one.
> The problem is that when VIP is setup on both lo:1 and eth0:2,
> "backup-and-node" will not answer *any* ARP request for VIP, whereas it
> should via eth0 (as far as I understand the purpose of the hidden feature).
Yes, lo is first in the device list and we search for hidden
IP in _any_ device. We don't have a preferred device to start from.
> Is this a bug or something I haven't understood ? Has anybody already
> experienced that ?
Yes, this is limitation that nobody wants to fix. Someone
have to persuade me with a clear fix for this.
Julian Anastasov <ja@xxxxxx>