Hi all,
Have just released the new code with a "code cleaning" focus. The whole
coding style have been reviewed to be more compliant and homogene.
The ChangeLog for this release is :
2002-07-01 Alexandre Cassen <acassen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
* keepalived-0.6.5 released.
* Fixed a NULL pointer exception while releasing IPVS entries.
* Review the Makefile.in to fixe some conventional issue. Fixed a
dependance code selection.
* Christophe Varoqui, <Christophe.Varoqui@xxxxxxx> created the rpm
spec file.
* Roberto Nibali, <ratz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> helped during OLS with code
Review the whole code coding style to use more conventional
indentation. The
one used into LVS and Kernel code. Coding style provided by the
command :
find . -name "*.[chS]" -exec indent -kr -i8 -ts8 -sob -l80 -ss
-bs -psl \
{} \; && find . -name "*~" -exec rm {} \;
* Roberto Nibali and I review the DEBUG logging facility adding
global DBG()
func declaration.
* Roberto Nibali fixed two potential buffer overflow (strcpy).
* Richard L. Allbery, <rla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> pointed out a
fwmark issue.
Healthcheckers is enabled if virtual service is a fwmark.
* Some cosmetics patches.
All comments are welcome,
Best regards,