
Re: libipvs

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: libipvs
From: Jeremy Kerr <kerrj01@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 12:36:52 +0800

Thanks for that, it's a big help. I've got a (sort of) ipvs abstraction layer, so it fits into that nicely.

Although, there are two things that I'm not 100% clear on:

* the fwmark in the ip_vs_user_rule struct - from the pseudo code, I figure this can be defined to specify a virtual service rather than the address & port pair. How would I go about getting the fwmark value for a service? or should i just use the address and port?

* two of the flags from the conn_flags field - IP_VS_CONN_F_NOOUTPUT and IP_VS_CONN_F_INACTIVE. If I set a service as inactive, is this the same as setting the weight to 0? ie, will existing connections be handled gracefully?

Thanks again,


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