Thank you very much for your assistance! You're right -- the method you
describe (which I have/had been trying) is exactly that: "the way of
pain." (The errors alone were both perplexing, and discouraging!) After a
long search on the internet, I discovered that your first recommendation
is the best -- I went to and downloaded the kernel you had
mentioned (2.4.18).
For those who have difficulty understanding at times (the way I do), this
(excerpt from these archives) tells each step:
- download the kernel (2.4.18 for RH 7.2, replacing kernel 2.4.7-10) from
- download the ipvs patch (use the single patch:
- download the hidden patch (hidden-2.4.5-1.diff.gz)
- uncompress the kernel source in /usr/src
- uncompress the hidden patch (gunzip -d hidden-2.4.5-1.diff.gz)
- uncompress the ipvs single file (linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.2.patch.gz)
- copy the hidden patch to /usr/src/linux
- execute: patch -p1 < hidden-2.4.5-1.diff (or cat hidden-2.4.5-1.diff | patch
- copy the ipvs patch to /usr/src/linux
- execute: patch -p1 < linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.2.patch (or cat
linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.2.patch | patch -p1)
- make menu config, and configure the kernel (the "LVS-Mini-How-To" specifies
selections/de-selections for 'networking,' 'IP Virtual Server,' and 'netfilter'
- then: make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
Now, I must move on to the next step! Again, I thank you for your help!
On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, Horms wrote:
> Firstly I would stronly recommend that you start with
> a kernel from (such as 2.4.18) rather than
> using Red Hat's Kernel unless you know what you
> are doing. ipvs-1.0.4 does not work out of the box with
> the Kernel shipped with Red Hat 7.2 and vice versa.
> However if you want to do this here is a rough guide.
> 1. You need to apply the linux_kernel_ksyms.c.diff and
> linux_net_netsyms.c.diff
> 2. You need to remove the existing version of LVS which is
> present in the 7.2 kernel. You can do this by examining
> the patches that are provided with the kernel src.rpm
> and the spec.file.
> 3. Compile the kernel - a few minor things may fail.
> Again this is the "way of pain".
> 4. Build the kernel modules privieded in the ipvs/ subdirectory
> of ipvs-1.0.4.tar.gz. You will need to make modifications
> to the source to get this to work, but they should be minor.