Ive been running a nat ipvs cluster here at work for a few months. At
the very beginig I was having some trouble with some realservers, and I
did agian today. So I finaly broke down and came up with a
/proc/net/ip_vs_conn hex mode to integer script.. Also, if its given an
ipaddress as an argument on the commandline it will show only lines with
that ipaddress in it. Quick and dirty:
if (@ARGV) {
$mask = $ARGV[0];
open(DATA, "/proc/net/ip_vs_conn");
$format = "%8s %-17s %-5s %-17s %-5s %-17s %-5s %-17s %-20s\n";
printf $format, "Protocol", "From IP", "FPort", "To IP", "TPort", "Dest
IP", "DPort", "State", "Expires";
($proto, $fromip, $fromport, $toip, $toport, $destip, $destport,
$state, $expiry) = split();
next unless $fromip;
next if ($proto =~ /Pro/);
$fromip = hex2ip($fromip);
$toip = hex2ip($toip);
$destip = hex2ip($destip);
$fromport = hex($fromport);
$toport = hex($toport);
$destport = hex($destport);
if ( ($fromip =~ /$mask/) || ($toip =~ /$mask/) || ($destip =~
/$mask/) || (!($mask))) {
printf $format, $proto, $fromip, $fromport, $toip,
$toport, $destip, $destport, $state, $expiry;
sub hex2ip($input) {
my $input = shift;
$first = substr($input,0,2);
$second = substr($input,2,2);
$third = substr($input,4,2);
$fourth = substr($input,6,2);
$first = hex($first);
$second = hex($second);
$third = hex($third);
$fourth = hex($fourth);
return "$first.$second.$third.$fourth";