Hi all,
I'm in the midst of setting up a LVS DR and am having troubles getting
my head around persistance. My configuration sports three LVS real
servers running apache/tomcat4 java applications. Obviously I need
persistance to ensure each client remains with its choosen server
through the entire session, or horrible things go wrong.
I'd like to set the persistance to something like 30 minutes, but the
LVS howto
gives dire warnings and quotes a memory requirement of 30*60*128*500=109
mBytes of ram for 500 connections. So, if I had 512mb on each real
server, I could only realistically serve 1500 clients (given other
overhead) at the same time? I think I've got it wrong somewhere.
Also setting persistance to 1 seems to affect the result for much more
then 1 second, what exactly does this do?
All of this is, of course, ignoring the DoS problems. As such I've also
been looking for alternate solutions. Lower down in the mailing list is
reference to a shared space library for php, and I've found a possible
solution in modifying the code running on the servers to use shared
JavaSpaces. Has anyone had any success/better ideas on all of this?
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