I wanted to use the following configuration:
ipvsadm -A -t director:5000 -s rr -p 30
ipvsadm -a -t director:5000 -r director1:6000 -m
ipvsadm -a -t director:5000 -r director1:7000 -m
ipvsadm -a -t director:5000 -r director2:6000 -m
ipvsadm -a -t director:5000 -r director2:7000 -m
The configuration consists of 2 machines. The active director is running on
director1. The backup director is running on director2.
It seems, that port mapping is not working within director1 (the machine,
where the active director is running), but it works with director2.
Am I right or is there anything wrong in my configuration ?
I am using Virtual Server version 1.0.6 (size=4096), shipped with SuSE Linux
Thank You for Your answer
Harald Sammer
Harald Sammer
Logics Software GmbH
Schwanthalerstrasse 9-11
D-80336 Muenchen
Tel: +49 / 89 / 55 24 04 - 0
Fax: +49 / 89 / 55 24 04 - 44
mailto: h.sammer@xxxxxxxxx