Hello, i have the following problem:
My backup-director acts as realserver to. It has its vip hidden on lo:0.
When a failover occurs, i have the following problem:
heartbeat: 2003/02/25_10:39:23 info: Removing conflicting loopback lo:0.
heartbeat: 2003/02/25_10:39:23 info: /sbin/ifconfig lo:1 down
heartbeat: 2003/02/25_10:39:23 info: /sbin/route -n del -host
heartbeat: 2003/02/25_10:39:23 info: /sbin/ifconfig lo:0 netmask broadcast
heartbeat: 2003/02/25_10:39:23 ERROR: Could not locate obtain hardware address
for lo
heartbeat: 2003/02/25_10:39:23 warning: Return code 1 from
/etc/ha.d/resource.d/IPaddr is the vip.
How can i make shure, that the vip gets to the eth0:1 alias?
When i do the next failover to my other machine, all ist ok.
I don't know the difference between the to systems, but one server has o.a.
problem, the other not.
MfG Uwe Kruse
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