How can I Upgrade IPVS ?
I'm using red hat linux 7.3 ( kernet is 2.4.18-3)
I have tired to download this patch linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.4.patch.gz - July 11, 2002 but I can't patch my
I have copied the file linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.4.patch in
the /usr/src folder, have executed the command patch -p0 < linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.4.patch
but doesn't work
A lot of .rej files are created
What else can I do ???
Damiano Bonometti
Via Venti Settembre 14
37129 Verona
Tel +39-045-595699
Fax +39-045-8009400