On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Roberto Nibali wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> > Maybe I am just ingorant with LVS.
> I hope not.
I just have never used it before.
> To my knowledge, it would be extremely hard to have SQL DBs synced over
> distance. But you can write your web application in a way that will upgrade
> the
> other DB too (remote DB) on a request. Then you will need persistency and
> transaction safety.
I just found out that MySQL is database replicatable. We have a t-1
connection at Location A and a decent DSL 500Mbps up at Location B.
You guys have given me a new thinking on how to do this project.
Basically if the computers are mirrored (rsynced) and the failover,
heartbeats are in place, and MySQL are mirrored as well, how do you
configure the DNS.
Do we still consider both computers two different names?? Or does both
computers share a Virtual Name??
> Cheers,
> Roberto Nibali, ratz
Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems